How long could I heat my apartment with the heat wasted by my car?

How long could I heat my apartment with the heat wasted by my car?

I just received the latest summary on my heating costs. The paper states that my energy costs will from now more than double. In such cases, one is first scared, and then begins to think feverishly about what can be done. Of course, a colder apartment and showering cold are not as attractive as some…

Finally 8 000 000 000!

Finally 8 000 000 000!

These days, in the middle of November 2022 the population of Earth just reaches 8 000 000 000. For us humans, it is a nice round number having 9 zeros in it (having 10 fingers on our both hands, probably therefore using the base-10 (decimal) number system). Fun fact: sloths (3 fingers on one hand,…

Energy of showering

Did you think about how much energy is needed for a refreshing hot shower? Let us see… You need to know some input data: how much water you use (for example 16 l/min), some physical property of water (heat capacity =4200 Joule/kg/Celsius, density = 1kg/l) the input water temperature supplied to your heater the outlet…